Growth of Nationalism after 1857

Concept Explanation

Growth of Nationalism after 1857

Reasons for the growth of nationalism:-

  • Awakening of the Indians to their rich cultural heritage: Western scholar like Max Mueller and William Jones translated the Vedas, the Upanishads and other works of Indian literature into English. Their research and writing made Indians aware of their great cultural heritage. India was the people of India- all the people irrespective of class, colour, creed, language, or gender. And the country, its resources and systems, were meant for all of them.
  • Exposure to Western ideas of democracy and nationalism: The British introduced English education to Indians to train them to become clerks or occupy other low-level positions in government service. They also expected the educated Indians to be loyal to them. However, the new system of education exposed the Indian leaders to western ideas of democracy and nationalism.
  • Better means of transport and communication: The rail and road networks, and the post and telegraph systems established by the British helped to unite the Indians. People from different parts of the country were able to communicate better with each other they are thus able to see how all Indians shared the same culture and values.
  • Economic exploitation by the British: The economic policies of the British had impoverished India. Also, the many famines that ravaged to countryside through the second half of the 19th century aggravated the pathetic condition of the peasants.·  
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